Current job offers
GfG is a specialist in gas measurement and gas detection technology and has been successful in this market for more than 60 years. Customer satisfaction is one of our highest priorities - after all, our customers form the basis of a safe and lasting employment for all of us. We are always looking for qualified employees to accompany us on our journey. We look forward to receiving your application.
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Do you fit into our company and we do not currently have a suitable position advertised that matches your interests and qualifications? We are always happy to receive unsolicited applications!
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Please note that GfG (Pty.) Ltd will never ask for more of your information than is required for the recruitment process and will also never ask for any kind of payment to be made for any reason. Anyone contacting you in the name of GfG with these sorts of request is part of a scam of fraudulent scheme. If you are unsure about an email you have received in the name of GfG, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask for clarification!
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